
How to get Counter Strike Source non-steam multi-player!

Before telling you guys i would suggest that you get original version of steam CSS from Steam itself as it is just $20, or if you are INDIA you are in luck! Steam CSS and CS-GO are really cheaper on flipkart.com than on Steam as you can see above believe me its worth it.I started my Css with non-steam only but when i bought the steam one i saw the difference you get auto updates and everything!

But if you are newbie and really want free game then be the PIRATE.

There are few steps you need to follow!

  1. You need to Visit No-steam.ro or Aviara.ro
  2. When you visit there click on "Counter-Strike Source Orangebox multiplayer + single player nosTEAM " OR /!NEW\Counter Strike Source 2012 full game & updates V0_76/!NEW\ 
  3. A page will open Click On download CSS V 75. It will get you a torrent file, download the game, but you need to download and patch the game if you want to play online on non steam servers.
  4. To download patch on same page you will see a link to patch too download that too.
  5. After both game and patch is downloaded install the game wherever you want to install on your PC.
  6. After installation is done open the the patch.exe locate your css folder and install the patch there, be sure to install the patch where your game files are. 
  7. If your game is not starting or is closing without errors try this FIX : http://www.nosteam.ro/index.php?topic=122.msg1273#msg1273 

Counter Strike Source Online non steam
Counter Strike Steam Version!

 When you have downloaded and installed latest patch ,then you are ready to play online on non steam servers (Cracked Servers)

If you ask me WAR-LORDS.NET are the BEST server Available for all of you all OVER THE WORLD.

I am from War-lords.net and let me Give you Ips where i play and where you can enjoy CSS most! Believe Me.Yes war-lords supports No-steam clients.

For full server List (Steam+Non Steam servers)Visit- War-lords

For some quick IPs For 
Asian Countries Pop Maps Dust2 Office Dust2 DM 

These four servers! 

For USA And western countries :

  1. (wL) Popular Maps :: WAR-LORDS.NET 
  2.  (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET 
  3.  (wL) 24/7 Dust2 Deathmatch :: WAR-LORDS.NET 
  4.  (wL) 24/7 Office :: WAR-LORDS.NET 
  5. (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET 
  6. (wL) ZombieReloaded (Unlimited Ammo) :: WAR-LORDS.NET
IF you are in Asia or Australia I prefer you play on Asian server you will get good ping.Others can try on USA servers.

Warning- Never Try Hacks on wL server, You will get instant ban for life.
Post questions if you have any problems.
Good Luck! Keep Fragging!

And yeah if you get steam version search me on steam "mankyjain" add me! if you wanna play with me.


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